Price Match Guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

We will price match a new, used or rental textbook within 7 days of purchase from your online bookstore. Price match must be submitted against the eligible websites below. Claims can only be submitted for in-stock textbook purchases placed by students affiliated with the school.

Before submitting your request, please review the following details and exclusions:


  • We price match,, B&, (aka Akademos), and local brick and mortar competitors.
  • To be eligible for price match, the item must be listed on the online bookstore for enrolled courses and in stock at time of purchase.
  • We price match the textbook by exact ISBN and it must be in the same condition (new or used) and format (hardback, paperback, spiral, loose-leaf).
  • We price match only items that are in stock on the competitor's website or store at the time of the request.
  • Upon validation, we will refund the student the difference in price paid and competitor price offered in the form of in-store credit to be used on the college's online bookstore.
  • Limit of one price match per title per customer during eligible price match window.


  • Price Match program excludes peer-to-peer marketplace purchases (e.g. items not sold by and shipped directly from, B&, aka Akademos).
  • Price Match program excludes publisher specific rental programs, items delivered electronically to the digital bookshelf and bulk orders placed via purchase order from the school.
  • Price Match program excludes Amazon's Warehouse Deals, fulfilled by Amazon, Lightning Deals, Deals of the Day, "Amazon Deals", aggregator sites, digital materials, and publisher-direct prices.
  • Price Match program excludes out of stock items.

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